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Photos & Videos Needed for this Website

Great websites need great photography and videos. So can we ask your help?

If you have photos, videos or other content that would look great on this website - all you have to do is send them our way and, if they fit the site, we might post them online.

You'll get credit for their work of course, and our grateful appreciation. Because the site is small we can't offer payment but sometimes we are able to send out a small thank you gift for the best of the best. Thanks for helping us build a great website.

Please click on the inquiry form to get started.

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Note: There is no guarantee that submissions will be used on the website. There is no guaranteed compensation and contributors give permission for Plumbob Publishing to publish the photos, videos or other content on this website or other websites or printer materials that they create, manage or contribute to. Submissions will not be returned and can not be withdrawn once submitted.

Call: 866-925-7083 Email: For more detail: Plumbob.com Mention Ad #0235