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AirBnB Lists Anything Everywhere All at Once

By Ron Lee
Published: 02/25/23 Topics: Advertising, AirBnB,, Expedia, Online Travel Agents (OTAs), TripAdvisor, Vacation Rental Association, Vacation Rentals, Comments: 0

AirBnB’s quest to make every home in the world into a "shared’ living space shows their appetite for growth and profitability even at the expense of those they serve.

AirBnB and others are really nothing more than an easily distributed list of classified ads. Albeit with the ability to print more quickly, include more information, display pretty pictures and allow consumers to instantly buy the product.

Because the Internet has simply remove the burden of mechanically compiling, editing and printing a media, like many Internet businesses in most industries, companies like AirBnB entice investors that they can "Scale" without limitation.

Other than governmental intervention, there really is no obstruction to listing every space, everywhere in the world all at once. (My apologies to the movie of similar name)

A close look at comments made by AirBnB’s immature CEO Brian Chesky reveal a fatal flaw in the company’s vision. As the economy has stalled and consumers are traveling less, which means a flattening or downturn in travel expenditures in total.

Some vacation home owners are squealing about dropping rental income which can be directly attributed to negative economic news. These investors are the ones who jumped on the AirBnB gravy train that was running fast and furious during Covid.

But now that demand is lower, what dose the CEO do? He runs a campaign to entice far more people to put their homes into rental. He foists grandiose projects about AirBnB’s income which misleads home owners into thinking they will follow in his footsteps.

It seems as if AirBnB will list any kind of "Lodging" in any kind of area and do so willingly. AirBnB’s argument must be that they have become so much the "Darling" of the lodging industry that they can attract enough new guests to fill every property.

Unfortunately that has never been the case. Smart lodging managers have always used all other possible media - such as VRBO, Expedia,, TripAdvisor and many more. But even with heavy use of all possible advertising websites, supply can outstrip demand.

Chesky’s ploy will hurt existing AirBnB properties and short-change those he misleads into listing. But why should he care? The more inventory he gets the better for AirBnB, even if all the "Vendors" make less.

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Author: Ron Lee – Volunteer, Vacation Rental Association
Blog #: 0948 – 02/25/23

Sponsor: VRAI – Inside information from a reliable not-for-profit group. Speak your mind. Listen with open ears. For Vacation Rental Professionals –

It Is Time for Double Tips

By William May
Published: 02/26/21 Topics: Covid-19 Virus, Gratitude, Health, Kindness Comments: 0

Anyone can do more when its easy. But showing respect is always expected. Failure to tip service people is disrespectful in the extreme. During this unprecedented time of illness and distress, how about everyone tip double. Read more

AirBnB's 11 Star Rating Grates on Vacation Rental Managers

By Ron Lee
Published: 09/01/20 Topics: Comments: 0

AirBnB's Brian Chesky is the latest tech titan child to surfer the debilitating effects of the dreaded disease called Hubris. Can anyone convince him to differentiate his damaging statements and protect vacation rental homes around the world? Read more

Managing a business from within the CHOP

By Wm. May
Published: 06/29/20 Topics: Government Comments: 0

I wanted to be a musician but one day learned there were people I could never compare to. I saw concerts by Janis Joplin, Bruce Springsteen, Michael Jackson, Joe Cocker, Blood Sweat and tears, Chicago, and yes the Beatles. But the most intimidation was William Awihilima Kahaiali'I. Read more

How Dare They Go To Work

By William May
Published: 04/20/20 Topics: Covid-19 Virus, Family, Gratitude, Health Comments: 0

Really? They get up every morning, and without fail? They go off to difficult jobs, and unforgiving circumstances. Who are these people? Why do they act like that? Read more

Clean, Wipe, Soak, Scrub, Brush, Scour, Polish

By Ron Lee
Published: 04/18/20 Topics: Covid-19 Virus, Housekeeping, Lodging Management Comments: 0

Our first office started cleaning and sanitizing vacation rental homes for over 50 years. Rup a dub dub. We know the products to use, and clean tiny thing in every home no matter how bit. Read more

Be Nice to People on Your Way Up

By Wm. May
Published: 01/09/20 Topics: Advertising, Business, Communications, Reputation Comments: 0

My father and Maya Angelou didn't know each other but they thought very much alike. It took a very large business client to make me put the dots together and realize a fundamental rule. Read more

Great Expectations of the Vacation Rental Industry

By William May
Published: 10/24/19 Topics: Vacation Rentals, Vortex VIP Comments: 0

Why did a father disown a teenage son who consistently earned straight A's in school, played all the major sports, attended church with the family, was an eagle scout, volunteered for every worth cause, was president of the student body and treated everyone, young and old with smiling respect. Read more

Did Comedian Steve Martin Explain Vacation Rentals

By William May
Published: 07/04/19 Topics: Communications, Vacation Rental Association, Vacation Rental Management, Vacation Rentals Comments: 0

Why did a father disown a teenage son who consistently earned straight A's in school, played all the major sports, attended church with the family, was an eagle scout, volunteered for every worth cause, was president of the student body and treated everyone, young and old with smiling respect. Read more

Indentured Servitude Comes to Vacation Rentals

By William May
Published: 12/01/17 Topics: Employment, Housekeeping, Vacation Rental Management Comments: 0

Was Susie really just a disgruntled employee? Not really. For years she drank the "upward mobility" poison that corporate workers have been swallowing for years. That working long and hard will benefit them in the long run. Did it? Read more

Vacation Rental Picante Sauce

By Wm. May
Published: 09/01/17 Topics: Lodging Management, Vacation Rentals Comments: 0

What do Picante Sauce and Vacation Rentals have in common? Well they gotta be fresh and tended to. Can managers from hundreds and thousands of miles away provide adequate service to discerning property owners. Not hardly. Read more

Hire a Crack Head to Clean your Home

By William May
Published: 03/01/17 Topics: Housekeeping, Vacation Rentals Comments: 0

Not all job applicants will be dedicated to our industry. Many applicants just want a quick buck to pay for their habits. That is more common than you might imagine. And home owner will never know until the druggie goes missing along with assets from their home. Read more

How to Become a Professional Lodging Photographer

By Ron Lee
Published: 02/21/17 Topics: AirBnB, Lodging Management, Marketing, Photography Comments: 0

There have always been a greatly many people who love the idea of being an artist, a photographer. It sounds like such a great job. Now you too can do so without any training, knowledge or skill. Here is how. Read more

Sponsor: Signatours Photo Team – It is not enough to have a camera and cards that say you are photographer. Today's technology demands study, practice and perfection along with an artists eye. Every Signatour photographer has all of those along with a support and professional staff to ensure the highest quality HDR photos. –

Extortion and Anti-Disparagement Defense

By Ron Lee
Published: 01/17/17 Topics: Vacation Rentals Comments: 0

Christopher Elliott, self admitted one-sided advocate, writes that businesses should lose their right to prohibit defamation and thereby extortion. Trained journalists rely on freedom of the press but employ the kind of fair-minded journalists standards reporting that Elliott ignores. Read more

Autumn is Industry Conference Season for Lodging

By Wm. May
Published: 11/16/16 Topics: AirBnB, Hotels, Inns Comments: 0

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Grading Vacation Rentals on the Curve

By Wm. May
Published: 10/01/16 Topics: AirBnB, Vacation Rental Association, Vacation Rentals Comments: 0

Research has showed that average ratings on AirBnB are a full one start higher than the number of stars for homes on Could this mean that only the better homes are listed on AirBnB? Nah,. Just the opposite. Read more

Avoiding Bumptious People

By Wm. May
Published: 08/01/16 Topics: Comments: 0

The TV show American Idol has been a favorite for years combining very talented people with those who are, shall we say, talent challenged. How can such bumptious performers feel they have talent. Read more

AirBnB Racism Facilitated by Social Media

By Wm. May
Published: 06/01/16 Topics: Comments: 0

Surely, building familiarity with guests and hosts is a good thing. The world needs more communication and personal interaction. But the very act of showing a photograph of every host gives racists the key to shunning people they don’t like. Read more

The May Day That is Not

By Wm. May
Published: 03/31/16 Topics: Comments: 0

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Sponsor: MayPartners – Marketing, Advertising and Sales are what we do for lodging, tourism, real estate and other industries where craft creative communications lead to growth and profit. Businesses who take our counsel, take the prize. –

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