So Easy a Caveman Can Do It - How To Write Great Marketing Material
By Ana M. Kinkaid
Published: 08/13/07
Comments: 0
I'm sure you recognize the ad campaign that the title of this piece is referring to. It is so effective that not only has it won many awards, it has spun off into a TV series for this fall. Now that's a great marketing job!
Whether you are an insurance company or a vacation rental you want to do the most effective marketing possible. But the question we are often asked by owners here at VROA is: Sure, but how can I create a marketing program that draws in more reservations?
Start by practicing right brain creative thinking, called "Lateral Thinking". Another way to think of this approach is to "think outside the traditional box". Don't stop and accept an idea that just seems O.K. Search for that idea that is unique and will grab and hold the viewer's attention even after they leave your website.
Most of us develop our first marketing campaign wrong the first time out. I know I did until a friend in the advertising industry sat me down and showed me how the "big boys" do it. Here's what I've learned:
Start at the end first. Yes, you heard me right - start at the end. Develop your slogan or memory tag line first. The phrase "So easy a caveman can do it" was created by the marketers by thinking beyond traditional insurance phrases. They developed the slogan first and THEN created the storyline/ads to support it.
It's a little like writing that college essay. First you need to create a thesis sentence that easily captures what you want to say. Then and only then do you write out the rest of the piece supporting the thesis or, in this case, the slogan.
Seven-Up didn't do lots of media production and then decided to call the marketing campaign "the uncola". Instead, they started with a lot of creative thinking and came up with the idea of the "uncola".
Only after they had the memory tag or slogan did they generate the ideas of turning Coca-cola's famous shaped glass up side down and then draining the color out of the beverage, leaving the viewer with the image of a sparkling, refreshing "Uncola - Seven-Up. The slogan and the supportive images increased Seven-Up's profits by millions.
After you've decided on a slogan that's catchy and original, write down in outline form how the ideas and images you are planning to use support that statement. Don't pad your text with unnecessary words or pictures.
Stay clear and focused. Always remember the old saying in advertising, "the more you say, the less they will hear you." Too many individuals list far too much on their websites. The result is a quick "click-off" and a lot of lost reservations. Uncluttered space gives the viewer's eyes a chance to visually rest and consider booking with you. A site that is overly busy visually will only make the viewer turn away.
The hook is that element of creativity that captures and holds the viewers' attention while tying into the slogan. The hook for Seven-Up was the inverted traditional coke glass. The hook in the Geico caveman ads is the cave men walking around in everyday life situations when we expect them to be in caves instead.
The hook is that punch that ties the slogan and action together creating a memorable marketing impression on the viewer - and increased bookings. Sadly, marketing dollars are often wasted on elaborate ads and websites that achieve little. The reason is most often poor planning and a lack of focused creativity.
Join the many successful owners with a full reservation book who have taken the time to think through an innovative marketing program. It is easier than you think once you start and, actually, a lot of fun. Even the cavemen can do it!
Do YOU have a favorite ad (hotel or otherwise) that you think is great? Please email us at VROA and let us help you share your find with others. Together we can all develop better and more effective marketing material.
Your calls and emails are so welcomed here at VROA. Call us at 206-343-7777, ext 920 or Ana @vroa.orgAna
TOP PROPERTY: Yukon Mountain Retreat, Whitehorse - Yukon Territory, Canada
If someone wanted to get away from it all and delight in the absolute wonder of nature, they could not find a more delighted location than the Yukon Mountain Retreat. Situated in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Karen Pelletier and Jesse Duke are both geologists who carefully planned and researched their vacation retreat for 20 years before opening it seven years ago.
All their hard work and planning shows on their website. Their location is unbelievably beautiful - and their website has the pictures to prove it. Epic scenery and smiling faces highlight their central theme - their mountain retreat is about the peerless beauty of nature and the warm welcome of the Canadian North.
Is there any wonder why VROA is delighted to name Yukon Mountain Retreat this week’s Top Property? Well done, Karen and Jesse!
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Publisher - William May,
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Author: Ana M. Kinkaid, Vacation Rental Association
Blog #: 0080 – 08/13/07
Comments: 0
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