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Write Now - Email the Leading Travel Magazines

By Ana M. Kinkaid
Published: 08/06/07 Topics: Comments: 0

One of the most important jobs that an owner can do is market his/her property. To be a success, people need to know where your rental is located and why it is special.

One of the easiest and least expensive ways to advertise your property is through issuing press releases. Sent to the right place and the right person, press releases are converted by writers into articles.

So your first task is locate the publications that cover travel. Well, the staff at VROA has been hard at work of your behalf. Here's a list of the major magazines that cover travel along with their web address.

21st Century Adventures -(21stcenturyadventures.com)21stcenturyadventures.com

American Way - (americanwaymag.com)americanwaymag.com
Arizona Foothills Magazine - (azfoothills.com)azfoothills.com
Arizona Highways - (arizonahighways.com)arizonahighways.com

Backpacker - (backpachwe.com)backpachwe.com
Blue Magazine - (bluemagazine.com)bluemagazine.com
Business Travel News - (btn.com)btn.com
Budget Travel Magazine - (bugettravelonline.com)bugettravelonline.com

Caribbean Travel & Life - (caribbeantravelmag.com)caribbeantravelmag.com
Coastal Living - (coastalliving.com)coastalliving.com
Conde Nast Traveler - (cntravrler.com)cntravrler.com

Destination Elsewhere - (destinationelesewhere.com)destinationelesewhere.com
Distinctly Montana - (strictlymontana.com)strictlymontana.com

Fido Friendly - (fidofriendly.com)fidofriendly.com
Food & Travel - (foodandtravel.com)foodandtravel.com

Global Traveler - (globaltravelerusa.com)globaltravelerusa.com

Hawaii - (hawaiimagazine.com)hawaiimagazine.com
Hawaii Bride & Groom - (hawaiibride.com)hawaiibride.com
Hemispheres United Airlines - (hemispheresmagazine.com)hemispheresmagazine.com
Houseboat - (houseboatmagazine.com)houseboatmagazine.com

Idaho Magazine - (idahomagazine.com)idahomagazine.com
Islands - (islands.com)islands.com

Journey Woman - (journeywoman.com)journeywoman.com

Lovetripper Travel Magazine - (lovetripper.com)lovetripper.com
Luxury Spa Finder - (spafinder.com)spafinder.com
Luxury Travel - (luxurytravelmagazine.com)luxurytravelmagazine.com

Missouri Life - (missourilife.com)missourilife.com
National Geographic Traveler - (nationalgeographic.com/traveler)nationalgeographic.com/traveler
Nevada - (nevadamagazine.com)nevadamagazine.com
Northwest Airlines World Traveler - (nwatraveler.com)nwatraveler.com
NW Travel - (northwestmagazines.com)northwestmagazines.com

Ohio - (ohiomagazine.com)ohiomagazine.com
Oregon Coast - (northwestmagazines.com)northwestmagazines.com
Orlando - (orlandomagazine.com)orlandomagazine.com

Passport - (passportmagazines.com)passportmagazines.com
Pathfinders Travel - (pathfinderstravel.com)pathfinderstravel.com
Recommend - (recommend.com)recommend.com

Sky - (delta-sky.com)delta-sky.com

Texas Highways - (texashighways.com)texashighways.com
Theme Parks Magazine - (themeparksmagazine.com)themeparksmagazine.com
Time Out - (timeoutmagazine.net)timeoutmagazine.net
Tourist Attractions & Parks - (tapmag.com)tapmag.com
Travel 50 & Beyond - (travel50andbeyond.com)travel50andbeyond.com
Travel & Leisure Magazine - (travelandleisure.com)travelandleisure.com
Travel Blogger - (travelbogger.net)travelbogger.net
Travelgirl - (travelgir)travelgirl
Travel Magazine - (travelmagazine.com)travelmagazine.com
Travel Smart - (travelsmartmagazine.com)travelsmartmagazine.com
Travel Weekly - (travelweekly.com)travelweekly.com
Travel with a Challenge - (travelwithachallenge.com)travelwithachallenge.com

Vacations Magazine - (vacationsmagazine.com)vacationsmagazine.com
Vermont Life - (vtlife.com)vtlife.com

Yankee Traveler - (yankeemagazine.com)yankeemagazine.com

Set some time aside and review the publications, looking for the ones that relate to your region, style and location of your property. Review the suggested VROA guidelines for writing a press/media release and get started. You will be surprised at the results!


Do YOU have a favorite publication that covers vacation rentals? Please email us at VROA and let us help you share it with others. Together we can all spread the word about vacation rentals as the great new vacation buy.

Your calls and emails are so welcomed here at VROA. Call us at 206-343-7777, ext 920 or Ana @vroa.org


TOP PROPERTY: Casa Mullaney - Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico

Casa Mullaney is that near perfect website that offers just enough text and clear bright photos. Any visitor to this website can easily visualize their vacation in this attractive tropical setting. The aerial photograph shows clearly how short the walk to the beach will be while the pool shots invite the guest to consider just staying at the Casa for the day.

The interior photographs sparkle with sunlight yet promises cooling shade as well. Clear and focused, the decor expresses a restful feeling that will guarantee a great holiday among gentle breezes and sparkling sands.

VROA is delighted to name Casa Mullaney this week’s Top Property.


Published weekly for all Members
Copyright - Vacation Rental Owners Association
Read this and all prior newsletters at (VROA.org)VROA.org

Director & Editor - Ana Kinkaid, Ana@VROA.orgAna@VROA.org
Publisher - William May, William@VROA.orgWilliam@VROA.org
P.O. Box 21305
Seattle, WA 98111-3305
Voice: 206-343-7777, ext 920
Fax: 206-628-0839
Email: info@VROA.orginfo@VROA.org
WEB: (VROA.org)VROA.org


Author: Ana M. Kinkaid, Vacation Rental Association
Blog #: 0079 – 08/06/07

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