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American Beauties - Great Website Designs

By Ana M. Kinkaid
Published: 07/31/07 Topics: Comments: 0

One of the questions we often are asked by owners here at VROA is: What constitutes good website design?

Take a moment and review some of these properties that Travel and Leisure Magazine consider outstanding in the hospitality industry. Their sites are a great place to learn how to design an effective 'look' without spending months doing expensive research. So type in the web address, makes some notes and look for the following new trends in web design.

Work with a color palette that matches the mood of your property.
Example: (postranchinn.com)postranchinn.com

Place the most important eye-catching imagery on the 'top fold' to use an old newspaper term.
Example: (wauwinet.com)wauwinet.com

Use photos that captures the mood guests are seeking.
Example: (shuttersonthebeach.com)shuttersonthebeach.com

Less is more. Don't overcrowd your pages with too much text or photos.
Example: (blackberryfarm.com)blackberryfarm.com

If you haven't reviewed the wonderful functions that the newer software programs offer, you might want to do some research in this areas as well. What was difficult and time consuming only a few years ago is today just a click away with innovative programs doing the work.

There are also web design firms on the Internet who will create a state-of-the-art web site for you if you prefer to go that route. For the technical shy, it is money well spend.

Your website is a vital marketing tool. Don't let it get stale or dated. Evaluate lodging websites regularly and watch for developing design trends that will work with your rental. Write the Internet address down and forward it to your web designer with a note that you are interested in that effect.

We live in a market age that is moving and changing at an amazing speed. American designers create some of the most beautiful, innovative and effective websites in the world. These 'American beauties' should include your property. Don’t you agree?


Do YOU know of a knock-out website? Maybe it's yours? Don't hesitate - email us at VROA and let us help you share it with others. Together we can all spread the word about vacation rentals as the great new vacation buy.

Your calls and emails are so welcomed here at VROA. Call us at 206-343-7777, ext 920 or Ana @vroa.orgAna @vroa.org


TOP PROPERTY: Cedar Chalet - Bar Harbor, Maine

Sometimes a beautiful homes just seems to fit into its location as if home and site were made for each other. Any guest reviewing the clear and colorful pictures on the Harp-Hawkins website would have to agree. Warm wood tones echo through the photographers making the large gallery of images warm and inviting.

Pictures of the outside porch and the bay beyond just seem a breath-taking extension of the lovely interior of this north woods chalet.

VROA is glad to say "Well Done" to this vacation rental owner and award Harp-Hawkins "Top Property" status.


Published weekly for all Members
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Director & Editor - Ana Kinkaid, Ana@VROA.orgAna@VROA.org
Publisher - William May, William@VROA.orgWilliam@VROA.org
P.O. Box 21305
Seattle, WA 98111-3305
Voice: 206-343-7777, ext 920
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Email: info@VROA.orginfo@VROA.org
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Author: Ana M. Kinkaid, Vacation Rental Association
Blog #: 0078 – 07/31/07

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