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San Clemente CA Moton for Vacation Rental Moratorium

By Jeff Bosson
Published: 01/02/16 Topics: Comments: 0

San Clemente City Council Meeting TUESDAY January 5th, at 6:00 pm.

Although vigorously opposed by area merchants, concerned citizens, and many tourism groups; the San Clemente California City Council have announced a motion on their agenda JAN 5th to consider a 45 day moratorium on issuing new TOT permits.

While this is widely considered a negative step for the council to take, the Orange County Vacation Rental Association (OCVrai.org) explains that the moratorium does not affect any existing vacation rentals.

The councils purpose in the moratorium is said to be only to asses what/if any new rules or regulations they will be considering in the coming months, and during that time they do not want to issue new permits.

OCVRA notes that any consideration of more regulations or prohibitions is not a direction the council should be going and are urging its members, visitors, and interested businesses to attend the meeting to voice their displeasure at this needless strong arming of tourism.

Upon entering the council chambers, rental supporters are to fill out a blue card to either speak or just provide written comments against regulations. The Council will be greatly affected by the number of voices in favor of continuing vacation rentals in the area.

Author: Jeff Bosson – Volunteer, Orange County Vacation Rental Association
Blog #: 0476 – 01/02/16

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