All about Guest Terms & Conditions
By William May
Published: 11/24/03
Comments: 0
Writing and enforcing firm but fair "Terms & Conditions" enhances Guest enjoyment and allows for the operation of your rental home that is safe and secure. If you haven't already put it on your list today to spell out your rules, include them with Guest confirmations and post them on your website.
After last week's topic of making your Guest agreement enforceable I received a lot of comments and questions. So this week its time to provide the reasoning for some of the provisions in the sample Terms & Conditions form I referred to and that is available free online to members. Because this is a lot of text I am organizing this week's news letter as follows:
- First I'll print the paragraphs so you can see the actual language:
- Then I'll follow each with an explanation of why it important.
My goal in all this is not to make us all lawyers (I certainly am not one) but to impress upon owners how important establishing their legal terms of service is. If you are lucky, like most owners you'll never have a major legal episode. But you will probably have little issues and the way to avoid what could be a heavy cost is to be prepared and well documented.
Because the discussion of Terms & Conditions is so lengthy I have chosen to paste it below the signature line. Please take a look at it there.
As always I seek your input. Please share you tips, techniques compliments and complaints on this or any other subject by writing me at
Buying a vacation home stars as a dream for most of us. Take a look at Rob & Kate's place on Alligator Point 45 miles south of Tallahassee Florida. It's Kate's Dream. I think I could see myself sitting on their deck for a week or two. See (
*** If you want your place considered for Home of the Week please drop me an email.
I love your newsletter!! I had received a bed and breakfast newsletter and hoped there might be one aimed at VR owners. We have been at this for 2 years now and really LOVE it. Definitely be money well spent!
- Mary & David, Black Missouri
Mary & David, That's why many of us buy a rental house - its fun to have guests. I sometimes talk too much about legal and worry about undesirable details but the huge percentage of guests are wonderful.
- Wm. May
You can download samples of Contracts, Booking Confirmation and a Terms and Conditions form on the website ( Before using any sample forms always have your attorney review them. We can not guarantee they are appropriate for you or your area.
Please see the website section for other ideas:
- Forms & Contracts FREE downloads
(a sample from Sunspot Vacation Rentals)
These are the Terms & Conditions upon which Sunspots Vacation Rentals provides the use of private vacation homes and they constitute an Agreement with Guests who make a booking with Sunspots.
SUNSPOTS: Sunspots, a division of TaylorMay Services LLC ("Sunspots") offers homes owned by one of its affiliated parties, or by third party property owners making homes available under contract to Sunspots.
GUEST: The person booking a Unit from Sunspots ("Guest" or "Guests") warrants they are of legal age and reside in the United States and that by phone, fax, email, on-line form or in person, they booked a vacation Unit as specified by the Booking Confirmation form ("Confirmation"). Guest confirms they were advised of the terms of the Booking at the time of purchase and, on behalf of themselves and their Invitees, agree to abide by these Terms & Conditions and such other instructions, directions and rules as Sunspots specifies. These terms govern Guest's current and future bookings unless otherwise later altered by Sunspots.
UNITS: Sunspots grants Guest the right to use the named Unit(s) including access to the Unit's improvements, furniture and fixtures interior and exterior. Guest may not begin occupancy prior to the Start Date/Time and must vacate the Unit no later than the End Date/Time. Earlier or Later occupancy will incur additional charges as noted herein as Holdover.
---> These first few paragraphs spell out who and what is covered by the documents. This means you, your guest and the vacation home. We call them Units but you can simply call it the "home" or even use its name such as "The Totem House."
CONFIGURATION: The Confirmation is the approximate configuration of the Unit. All beds come with linens, blankets and bedspreads. Sleepers may mean a sleeper sofa or a coach futon. Some beds may be bunks. The exact configuration may vary before the first date of occupancy. There will be sufficient sleeping accommodations for the number of Invitees but necessarily for the maximum occupants.
---> Failure to include this section could require you to provide credits to guests if you remove a piece of furniture or rearrange beds.
GUARANTEED RESERVATION: The Booking is on a Guaranteed Reservation basis. Barring emergencies or other problems beyond Sunspots control, Sunspots agrees to provide the Unit to Guest on the dates indicated. In return, Guest agrees the booking is not cancelable unless, at Guest's later request, Sunspots is able to sell Guest's dates to a third party at equal or better rates; in which case Guest's payments will be refunded less a cancellation fee.
--->Last week I explained why required "Guaranteed" reservations is fair to both you and the Guest. In short, if you are going to tie-up a $100 to $1,000,000 asset for a guests it is unwise to allow them to back out of the arrangement later. Depending on how competitive your resort area is this may not be feasible for you. Some owners allow for last minute payments and short notice cancellations. But remember you don't really have to.
TRAVEL INSURANCE: Because the Booking is not cancelable by Guest, Sunspots recommends that Guest purchase Travel Insurance to cover the cost of this Booking and any other costs, such as airfare, related to its occupancy. Refunds are not available due to travel delays, weather or access problems.
--->Reminding guests to buy travel insurance reinforces that you are selling a non-cancelable booking. Plus its good sense too. Large property management firms create a profit opportunity by actually selling the insurance and earning a premium. You can do it too.
INVITEES: Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Sunspots only books homes for the use of the Guest and their immediate or extended family members ("Invitees"). Guest agrees to inform Invitees of these Terms & Conditions and Sunspots Rules and is responsible for their conformance to them. No one may occupy the Unit at any time, even as drop in guests, who are not registered invitees.
---> If you don't limit who can visit the home you are essentially inviting the world to squat in your house. Your confirmation form must specify the number of adults, children and total.
USE FEE: Guest will pay a "Use Fee" for the dates indicated. Should occupancy, at any time, exceed the Maximum Occupants noted, Guest will pay an additional $50 per person per day (or part). For exceeding the maximum vehicles allowed at the Unit Guest will pay an additional $50 per vehicle per day (or part). Guest agrees, upon demand from Sunspots, to provide a list of all people who were in the Unit during Guest's occupancy including persons' names, addresses and phone numbers.
--->Are occupants renting your home or simply being given the option of using it. In many jurisdictions there is a difference. Calling their stay a "Use" begins to clarify that they are Guests and not Tenants.
CLEANING: There is no daily maid services but Sunspots will have Unit cleaned prior to Guest's arrival. Guest may request cleaning services in accordance with the Services Paragraph of these Terms & Conditions. Guest will keep the Unit clean and in good order during occupancy and to leave it in the same condition it was found at the Start Date/Time. Sunspots will have the Unit cleaned after Guest vacates for which Guest agrees to pay the Cleaning Fee(s). Should the term of occupancy be for more than ten days, Sunspots may have the Unit cleaned each week or portion thereof at Guest's cost and at the same cleaning price noted in the Confirmation. Sunspots will charge Guest for excess cleaning defined as greater than would be required for usual and normal for vacation use by not more than the number of Invitees.
---> Sure you are going to provide out-cleaning, but for how many occupants? And, always ask to do interim clean for longer stays. The more days they stay the more dirt you'll find.
SECURITY DEPOSIT: As security for damages or other charges, Guest will pay Sunspots, at the time of booking, a Security Deposit that Sunspots may deposit into its general bank accounts and not into a segregated account. The Deposit will not bear interest and Sunspots will return the Deposit, less any overages, to Guest within 45 ' can be repaired.
---> Be clear that they are responsible for damages and always charge for costs return for that Guests incur. Some owners have switched to a Damage Waiver system where the Guests pays a smaller non-refundable fee and is exempt for non-intentional damage up to a set amount such as $1,000. We'll be discussing this in an upcoming newsletter.
HOLD OVER: In the event that Guest, contrary to the terms of the Guest Confirmation, enters the Unit before the Start Date/Time or remains in Unit past the End Date/Time, Guest will pay Sunspots for each day or partial day in an amount equal the amount Sunspots pays to other Guests resulting from Guest's Hold Over, or double the daily rate, whichever is greater.
---> Guests who do not leave when scheduled can make your life a nightmare. There must be strong penalties for the grief they will cause you.
PAYMENT: Guest will make payment of charges called for in the Confirmation. If paid by credit card, Sunspots is authorized to charge Guest's card for the Deposit immediately and for the other charges on the other dates indicated on the Confirmation and for any overages when they occur. If paid by check, Guest will make payment on or before the dates indicated and, if unpaid by the deadline, Sunspots may charge such payments to Guest's credit card. If Guest fails to pay by the deadlines, or Guest's check is returned unpaid by Guest's bank, or Guest's credit card is declined by its issuer, Sunspots may cancel the Booking, and sell Guest's dates to any third party without notice to Guest in accordance with the LATE PAYMENTS AND CANCELLATIONS paragraph. Guest will be charged $50 fee for returned checks or dishonored credit card charges. Sunspots may charge Guest a late fee equal to Twenty Dollars ($20) per day for past due payments.
---> Most of us take reservations over the phone and then wait for some or all of the money plus the paperwork. It puts you in a precarious situation. Explain your payment policies at the time of sale and then put them in writing so they are enforceable.
CREDIT CARDS: Guest warrants that Credit Card ("Card") information is correct, that the card has sufficient available credit for all charges and any overages and that the Card will not be cancelled or charges dishonored or disputed with Guest's credit card issuer. Should the Guest's Card expire or be terminated while Guest has charges due, Guest will provide Sunspots with the name, number and expiration date of a replacement card that can then be used as payment for Guest's charges.
--->Credit cards have expiration dates. So what happens if your guest books many months in advance and then their card expires? You must have a mechanism for getting paid..
SUNDRIES: Sunspots supplies minimum sundries for the unit such as paper towels, toilet paper and coffee filters sufficient for a single days use by the stated number of invitees. Guest will provide additional sundries and supplies greater than those noted above. Guest and Invitees are reminded to bring sunscreen, toiletries, food, laundry detergent and other personal items.
---> Do you allow Guests all the Sundries they can steal? Most owner's find it best not to tempt people. Providing a day's worth is courteous and its not unreasonable for them to buy as much toilet paper as their little hearts desire.
SERVICES. Unit may be distant from Sunspots office, staff and service personnel or vendors. Should Guest request services or assistance, Sunspots will make reasonable effort to respond to issues during usual business hours and within the limitations of time, distance and expense as it sees fit. Guest accepts that Sunspots may be unable to address during Guests occupancy. Sunspots inability to address requests during occupancy will not be reason for reduction of the Use or other Fees. In the event Guest requests service for issues caused by the Guest, Sunspots will charge the Guest for Staff and Vendor time and materials required to provide the service. Guest will not be charged for services or problems not caused by Guest.
--->Probably you seldom hear from Guests during their stay. But some visitors are constant whiners - usually requesting goods or services that you did not agree to provide. If they have a problem then you are bound to do your best to help them. But if they demand all kinds of services that are not your problem then the answer is to
simply charge for them - rather than refuse them. No hotel in the world gives away anything. Neither should you
OVERAGES: In addition to the charges indicated in the Booking Confirmation, Guest agrees to pay for charges, if any, incurred or caused by Guest during their stay
("Overages"). Such charges may include, but are not limited to, Guest's unpaid Resort charges or penalties, occupancy exceeding that stated in the Confirmation, service requests, occupancy hold over, damages, excess cleaning services, replacement of keys or re-keying or resetting of locks or lock boxes, occupancy and/or sales taxes, long distance, fees for smoking, excess noise, or having pets in the Unit, missing items, or other violations of Sunspots, Resort, or Homeowner Association rules, late charges, finance charges, etc. Handling charges are added to all such costs. If overages exceed the Deposit, Sunspots may immediately charge Guest's credit card or, at Sunspots option, make verbal or written demand to Guest for payment of overages. In the event Sunspots is unable to accurately ascertain overages at the time they are discovered Sunspots is authorized to charge an approximate amount and later make adjustments to reflect the actual charges.
---> You'll have a hard time charging guests for damages, services and so forth unless you put them on notice that these things costs money. And be sure to add handling charges because everything they cause you to bill for takes your time and effort.
GUEST OBLIGATIONS: Guest agrees to abide by these Terms & Conditions and to follow the Unit Rules and Instructions, as attached here, as posted at the Unit, as specified in a "Unit Services" book sometimes located in the Unit or as later instructed verbally or in writing. In particular, Guest will:
- Utilize the Unit only for family vacation use and for no other purpose without the prior written approval of Sunspots. Will not conduct parties or any gathering that inc
eases occupancy to greater than the Maximum Occupants. To properly use and operate the electrical, gas, heating, air condition, plumbing and other fixtures, appliances, furnishings and amenities. Guest will vigorously enforce Sunspots' NO SMOKING RULE, NO PETS and NO NOISE rules.
- Not do or permit anything to be done in or about the premises which will, in any way, obstruct or interfere with the rights of Sunspots, Owner, Resort Management, Law Enforcement, neighbors or other home owners or guests or injure or annoy them or use or allow the premises to be used for any improper, immoral, unlawful or objectionable purpose, nor will Guest cause or maintain or permit any nuisance in on or about the premises. Guest will not operate any equipment in the Unit unless provided by Sunspots.
- Not destroy, deface, impair or remove any part of the Unit, its appurtenances, facilities, equipment, furniture, furnishings, appliances or fixtures. Not make copies of keys or reveal key codes to any other person. Not sublet the Unit under any circumstances.
- Return all furniture, kitchen and dining utensils, appliances, books, phones, recreational equipment etc. to their original positions. Leave all TV remote controls, garage controls and other non-fixed equipment in their original locations.
--->You would think these warnings would be commonly understood by Guests. And in most locations a court would require Guests to pay for damages even if your contract was not specific. But this paragraph serves as just another notice to Guests of what their obligations are. Most people just want to know the rules so they can abide by them.
CHECKIN & CHECKOUT: Upon arrival at the Unit, Guest will complete and follow Sunspots' "Guest Checklist" and will alert Sunspots by phone (or voicemail) at (888) 628-8989 of any irregularities or problems noted in the Unit. Upon departure Guest will return the Guest Checklist (along with keys, if any) to Sunspots by mail or fax within 7 days. The Toll Free fax is (888) 628-0839.
---> If your resort has a front desk or you personally checkin checkout the guest then you don't need a checklist. But this method works great for distant offices. Some of our homes are 3,500 miles away.
ISSUES: During occupancy Guest agrees to immediately notify Sunspots by phone (or voice mail) of any issues or problems with the Unit, or damage to the Unit or its contents or of any conflicts between Guest, Resort, legal authorities or others. Failure to report issues may subject Guest to charges for repair or replacement.
---> Guests are your eyes and ears at your home. They need to let you know what breaks even if its not their responsibility to pay for.
DAMAGES: Unit(s) contains artwork, furniture and fixtures, machinery and equipment and other amenities. Guest will pay for any damages Guest causes including repairs, replacements, eviction, services calls, fines, assessments, cleaning, maintenance, customer service, accounting and other staff time at Sunspots usual rates, costs plus taxes and handling and the loss of subsequent income during the repair period. Guest also agrees to pay additional fees for violations of the Terms & Conditions, such as allowing pets in Unit ($500 charge), or smoking in the Unit, violation of Noise Rules ($500 charge), according to Sunspots rate schedule a copy of which is available to Guest upon request.
---> This paragraph further defines that Guest must pay for what they break. Plus it puts teeth in prohibitions against major concerns such as pets, smoking, noise, etc. If you don't define these penalties you probably can't charge them.
INSPECTION: Because the Unit is for vacation lodging use and not for long-term rental, Sunspots may enter Guest's space, with or without notice at any time, for the purposes of inspection, maintenance, cleaning, rental or sale showings or for whatever other purpose it deems necessary. When entering, Sunspots staff will knock to announce themselves and allow Guest sufficient time to respond.
---> Ever had a Guest call about a dripping pipe only to leave the home so you couldn't get in? In most jurisdictions short-term tenants are not covered by landlord-tenant statutes thai make it difficult to enter your own home. But make sure you clarify that you will be coming and going from the unit even if the guest is out.
AMENITIES: Use Fees are only for the occupancy of the Unit and use of its basic features. For the pleasure of Guests and without additional compensation, amenities are sometimes provided such as hot tubs, pools, artwork, televisions, stereos, phones, faxes, internet access, sporting goods, toys, games, house and pool/beach towels, patio furniture, furniture, dishes/flatware/pans, etc. Amenities sometimes malfunction, become worn, are out for repair, are replaced or are removed by Owner or prior Guests. Sunspots will endeavor to have these amenities on hand and functioning but can not guarantee availability at all times. Changes in decor or unavailability of amenities, or inconveniences such as power outages, adverse road and/or weather conditions, acts of God, area construction, allergic reactions, will not be reason for reduction of the Use Fee nor the payment of damages to Guest.
---> The more amenities you have in the home for Guest enjoyment the more likely that something will break. Give yourself room to upgrade, change or alter what you offer. Guest don't deserve a credit when you improve the home or have to make repairs.
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LOST & FOUND: There is no Safe in the Unit so Guest agrees to make their own provision for storage of valuables or to not bring valuables. Sunspots accepts no responsibility for loss of valuables or articles left at the Unit during Guest's stay. Sunspots may hold articles left in the Unit for a period of 30 days. Guest may call Sunspots to identify and claim lost items. Identified articles can be shipped at Guest's cost. Articles unclaimed for 30 days will be discarded, donated to charity or sold as Sunspots sees fit. Sunspots will retain proceeds from the sale as a fee for handling.
---> Some jurisdictions require owners to provide safes of guest valuables. Learn your local laws and include a paragraph that defines what you will and will not do.
UNIT EXPENSES: Guest is not liable for charges for heat, electricity, water, sewage, garbage or other public utilities, normal and usual maintenance, taxes or other operating costs unless Guest's usage of utilities is greater than would be normal and usual for the number of Invitees. Guest will follow Sunspots rules and instructions for the use of utilities and equipment such as heating/air conditioning and are responsible for repair costs that may come about due to Guests misuse. In the event that Unit Expenses, during Guest's occupancy, are greater than would be normal and usual, Sunspots may impose a surcharge to Guest in an amount sufficient to recover excess costs incurred during Guest's occupancy, plus handling.
---> We've never had it happen but what would you do if the guest has a birthday party and leaves behind stacks of cardboard. In many locations it costs money to haul away and dispose of excess garbage. Protect yourself from unusual costs.
LATE PAYMENT & CANCELLATION: Should Guest fail to pay as agreed, or requests a cancellation, Sunspots may sell Guest's dates to any third party. If Sunspots is able to re-sell Guest's dates to a third party at net rates at least equal to those charged to Guest, Sunspots will refund Guest's Use Fee less a Re-Booking fee equal to Fifteen Percent (15%) of the Use Fee or $100 whichever is greater. If only some of the dates are sold then refunds will only be made for those dates sold. No refund will be allowed if Sunspots is unable to re-sell Guest's dates to a third party. In the event the Unit becomes unavailable for use for whatever reason (such as fire, water or other damage, owner remodeling, change of zoning or taxation rules, Owner's sale of the Unit, Owner's failure to purchase Unit, termination of Sunspots' management agreement, or any other problem beyond Sunspots' control) Sunspots may cancel the Booking and return Guest's payments, or may transfer Guest's booking to a comparable or better unit of Sunspots choosing.
---> Be clear about payment terms and penalties. We didn't use to charge a re-booking fee until we realized that re-selling the dates really means double the work for us.
TERMINATION: Sunspots reserves the right to immediately terminate the Booking and occupancy of Guest and Invitees with or without notice in the event that Sunspots believes the Guest or Invitees have done or intend to do any act that violates these Terms & Conditions, Sunspots rules, verbal or written instructions given to Guest or notices posted at the Unit, or that is in violation of any applicable Federal, State or Local statute, or which is not in the good interest of the Owner, Sunspots or other Sunspots guests, or which will be objectionable to neighbors, the home owners group, or resort management. If terminated Sunspots may enter the Unit without notice and require Guest and Invitees to immediately vacate the Unit. Should Guest fail to vacate, law enforcement officials may be called to remove Guest & Invitees. Guest will not be entitled to refund for any payments if this Agreement is terminated. The Guest may not terminate the Booking without the expressed written consent of Sunspots.
---> Did you know that, under the law, the word "cancel" and "terminate" do not mean the same thing? Its obvious to me now, but when I was first in business (A different industry) I made a tragic mistake of saying a customer could cancel his 12 month agreement at any time. He did so at the 11th month and wanted his money back for the 10 months of service we had provided. Luckily the judge saw through the ruse. Be careful to explain who "terminate" and when and why.
INSURANCE: Sunspots or Owner will maintain reasonable and usual Property and Casualty Insurance on the premises but are not obligated to carry insurance for theft. Guest hereby agrees and relieves Sunspots and Owner and waives its entire right of recovery against Sunspots and Owner for loss, damage, injury, disability or death arising out of or incident to the perils described in standard fire insurance policies approved for the use in state where the Unit is located, whether due to the negligence of Owner, Sunspots and its agents, employees or otherwise. Guest agrees to maintain personal or homeowner insurance that would cover Sunspots and Owner in the event of damage, destruction or liability caused by Guest's actions whether intentional or not. In no case will Sunspots or Owner be responsible for loss of use, or other damages to Guest resulting from Guest's use of the Unit or damages or events beyond the control of the Sunspots and Owner.
---> What is something big goes wrong? Who pays and will their insurance cover it? Get your insurance agent's instructions and have your attorney be explicit in setting out the insurance requirements.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The Confirmation and these Terms & Conditions constitute the final and complete understanding between the parties hereto and no other representations or promises, verbal or otherwise, have been made. The Terms & Conditions supersede all previous agreements between the parties. Sunspots may make modifications to the Terms & Conditions at any time by notice to Guest or by posting to Failure to enforce any of the Terms & Conditions, Confirmation, Sunspot Rules or subsequent agreement between the parties, will not be construed as a waiver of other provisions. If any portion of the Terms & Conditions, Confirmation Sunspot Rules or subsequent agreements are determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforced all other conditions will nevertheless remain in full force and effect.
---> If you allow them Guests will make all kinds of claims of verbal assurances you never made. Limit the agreement to what is in writing. And, make sure you can alter the terms if need be.
LITIGATION: These Terms & Conditions will be governed in accordance with the laws of the state where the Unit is located. Any claim will be settled by action in the Court have jurisdiction where the Unit is located. In the case of litigation, or past due billings, Guest will be pay for Sunspots' and Owner's staff time charges for collection letters, faxes, emails, phone calls, meetings and court time, Late Charges, Damages, reasonable attorneys' fees, pre and post judgment Interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, attendant Court and other Costs and Expenses.
---> With luck you'll go decades and never have a legal problem. In most jurisdictions the loser in a court action pays the legal costs of the prevailing party. But write it down here so the Judge won't get to decide about that later.
Revised 11/09/03
--> This seems like a no-brainer, but be sure to date your terms and conditions because you'll probably be altering it from time to time and need to know which "contract": you are bond by for a given guest.
Author: William May – Volunteer, Vacation Rental Association
Blog #: 0036 – 11/24/03
Comments: 0
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